Hey Everyone!

This is Andrew from Knoxville, Tennessee and Dira from Bandung, Indonesia. Our children are Asher and Gabriella.

We were both called at a young age to be missionaries.
In 2010, before we had even met each other God called us to Indonesia, specifically to see women and children set free from sex trafficking. One year later we met while serving in Mozambique, Africa. We served there ministering to widows and orphans, bringing the Gospel to the unreached, and ministering to women stuck in prostitution. We had planned to stay there for a few years, then move to Indonesia; however, God had other plans.

The Lord brought us back to Knoxville for a season. We have been blessed to find a wonderful church home, where we have been able to grow and serve for the past 7 years. Andrew currently serves as one of the Pastors and we both oversee the children’s ministry.

After many years of waiting, we are beyond excited to finally see our dream realized by joining Compassion First. We are set to move to West Java in March 2023. There we will assist in opening and operating a new shelter caring for children rescued from commercial sex trafficking from West Java.

Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support. Our gratitude goes beyond what words could ever express. It’s not just us going, all of you are with us. Together we will see chains broken, hearts made whole, and a country transformed as they encounter our loving Savior and King.

Andrew and Dira

Giving Information

You can directly support Andrew and Dira by using the donate button below.

Donations are tax-deductible in the United States

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