Our Story is Published in Christianity Today!

May 8, 2024
Our Story is Published in Christianity Today!

This morning I woke up to a beautiful article published by Christianity Today telling the story of Compassion First. I wanted to not only share the article with you, but also share the story behind the story.

Six years ago at a conference, I remember nearly nothing about now, one thing stood out…

A new friend.

Galen Dalrymple and I were seated at the same pre-session round dinner table set for ten representatives of various Christian non-profit organizations.

We all took turns telling a few minutes of our stories and why we were there. Small talk, really.

After dinner, Galen walked over with his Medical Ambassadors International business card and a conviction to get the Compassion First story out to a wider audience. He said it was a God story the world needed to know and he promised to do everything he could to help make it happen.

Promise kept.

Around the time our paths crossed, Galen’s son, Tim, stepped into the role of President/CEO at Christianity Today. And thanks to Galen a conversation began that has spanned six years and culminated in this article published online this week.

While it is exciting to see CF’s work highlighted, the greater gift is the belief and determination of a friend to share it.

Galen is right, our story is one ultimately authored by God. All the vision, provision, struggle, resilience and new beginnings we’ve witnessed and experienced is from his hand. Without HIM there is no story at all.

My favorite part of this and every story is the people it includes. I hope you recognize your contribution on every page, we do.

You can read the full article here.

Happy reading,

Valerie Bellamy

Director of Operations