How Can I Help

Dedicated volunteers provide support at Compassion First’s U.S. Headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon. As a volunteer, you can directly influence our work. Together, we are transformed.

In the Community

Run a race. Donate your birthday, wedding or anniversary. Climb a mountain. There is an infinite number of ways you can support Compassion First.


Support our Beaverton Office

Help host events, pack mailers, provide office support and more at our Beaverton, OR headquarters.

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Follow, like, and share; use your social media platforms and relationships to support CF.

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“I learn every day. I feel compassion every hour. I see hope. I can heal.”

Survivor Care Resident
Sarah's House

"We have been involved with CF for about 12 years now. The humble way they work and the delicate care they take for everyone in their care is incredible. Also, the staff behind CF are some of the most beautiful people I know. Being around them and the love that flows through them constantly makes me want to be a better person! Our hearts will forever be with Compassion First!"

Jeanette & Madison Argyle
CF Advocates & Volunteers

“The light shines in the darkness and the darkness can never extinguish it.” John 1:5. CF embodies this, bringing the light of Christ to the darkest places. The stories of hope and transformation continue to be like embers carried in a breeze, igniting flames near and far. We are honored they have invited us to be part of the story."

Tracy & Ben Grimm
CF Board Member & Advocates

“I am grateful and thankful that I am still working and can earn income to help my family. Thank you for the blessings that continue to flow through Compassion First.”

CF Field Staff Member
Sarah's House

“One of the phrases used by Compassion First, “For the One” beautifully describes their ministry. No life is too small; each person receives kind and personalized care as they recover from the trauma of being trafficked. It’s a privilege for me to be associated with Compassion First and I am deeply moved by the work and how they do it.”

Peri Pierone
CF Advocate & Volunteer

“We really love you all. Thank you for your love, care, and prayers for all of us.”

Survivor Care Resident
Sarah's House

"We didn't really understand what Christlike compassion and love were before we met Compassion First. Our mindset and heart for the hurting has completely changed. This organization is authentic, full of integrity, and desires to follow after the heart of God...His heart is for the broken-hearted. They are doing amazing work in Indonesia!"

Sandee & Luke Doughton
CF Advocates & Volunteers

“The work of Compassion First is a remarkable resemblance to the redemptive work of Christ. CF gave me a profound understanding of what Jesus is doing for me, for all mankind.”

Alice Rau
CF Indonesia Board Member & Fitness Instructor at Nike World Headquarters

"I am very grateful to be part of this service, thank you for making me an extension of every support you provide both materially and spiritually. Thank you for your heart that wants to share with us and the girls. May the Lord Jesus abundantly bless you and your families."

CF Field Staff Member
Sarah's House

“Thank you to the donors who wanted to help us here. Thank you for wanting to help us with a pure heart, not expecting anything in return from us.”

Survivor Care Resident
Sarah's House

“It’s rare to find an organization that treats every one of its donors like family, but this is what CF does. I constantly think, “That’s what it looks like to be the hands and feet of Jesus.” CF does an exceptional job of loving people well, and they continue to motivate me to let that same light and love radiate from my own life.”

Stephen & Megan McClellan
CF Advocates & Author

For the One

Provide end-to-end, personalized care for each girl rescued from sex-trafficking in Indonesia.