Our New Look
It’s with both excitement and trepidation that I share this news with you: after a two-year process, we are ready to reveal Compassion First’s new look and refined messaging. This new day ahead represents so much that has come from our desire to more clearly communicate our mission, values, and work.
While there are many reasons why we need to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new, this particular chapter in our story comes down to the same thing every chapter does: very, very special people. For the last several years, we have had two amazing talents on our board of directors: Cody Cupper, a legendary Brand Design Director for Nike, responsible for several marks that most of us have worn, and Jena Andres, a beautifully talented brand and marketing strategist. Over the years, Jena has been instrumental in helping us find our voice as we pursue the high bar of ethical storytelling. And Cody has always been able to articulate our ethos and story in multiple mediums. Together, they have led this project with thoughtfulness and integrity that has energized us and helped us focus clearly on our mission.
For those who love old things the way I do, I want to say that we’re not being left behind here. Rather, we’re being “taken up” as a necessary part of the future story of Compassion First. Every single detail of this process had meaning to and from our story and work. Every step was informed by faces and lives served and serving.
More than anything, with all of our hearts, we want to remain who we are in Christ while embracing a future that God has for us. All indicators are that it is shaping up to be a busy one as God seems to be opening doors that we follow Him through. With our identity firmly rooted in Him, we continue in faith and with sincere gratefulness for you.
Please take a moment to hear about the new look from our friend and advocate, Cody Cupper: