Compassion First Indonesia Renew MOU with North Sulawesi Law Enforcement

News for you from Indonesia! Read on to learn more from Compassion First president Mike Mercer:
“It seems like a small detail, but it was actually momentous. Last week Compassion First Indonesia (YKYU) signed an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) extension with the Polda (Provincial Police) of North Sulawesi.

While we have had a working relationship for more than ten years, the signing of a new MOU represents an ability to maintain partnership through changing leadership and changing dynamics in the anti-trafficking world. It also recognizes the excellent work of both parties as we commit to continuing our work together.
We are grateful for local law enforcement - for their commitment, their professionalism, and their friendship.”
Join us in celebrating this symbol of continued good relationship with the North Sulawesi law enforcement!