Supporting the children of the East Java cemetery community is one of our most important responsibilities. These kids face vulnerabilities that are nearly impossible to overcome on their own. Young girls are often preyed upon by traffickers, and boys are lured into drug dealing.

Partners are actively preventing trafficking and exploitation by coming alongside vulnerable and at-risk children and women in the cemetery community with opportunities to flourish.  By becoming a prevention partner, your funding provides children and mothers with:


Prevention Partner Funding has been instrumental in helping children enroll and stay in school. Children come daily to the community centers to work on their homework with staff and specialized tutors in math, language, and science.

We are seeing children graduate from high school, find jobs, and transform the trajectory of their lives and family through stable employment.

Some of the students are pursuing college, inspiring the younger children to dream of a future they never thought possible. Partner support funding is making a powerful difference not only in the lives of the children who are being sponsored, but we are also seeing the positive impact on their families and surrounding community.

Overall health care and support provide a critical component for the well-being of those we serve.

Compassion First community centers help provide holistic care by providing nutrition for the healthy development of young children, assisting mothers in accessing local medical clinics and providing health education for the teens.

Individual and group counseling is available for teens and their mothers at the centers. The centers provide a safe space for teens to gather while pursuing healthy alternatives to night life in the cemeteries.

Mothers in the cemetery community have the opportunity to benefit from various classes at our community centers. We offer business training, cooking classes, and other programs designed to educate, empower, and create opportunity. Parenting classes provide space for mothers to gather and dialogue with one another and local leaders on child development and parenting support.

Children and teen enrichment classes include music, public speaking, English, dancing, martial arts, cooking, and other extracurricular activities or programs.

We have watched in amazement as a group of mothers have taken the initiative to start their own sewing business, Yellow Flower Collection. They make beautiful handmade Indonesian batik clothing items like skirts, wallets, and bags and then sell them, providing a new life trajectory for their families.

All Cemetery Outreach celebrations are family affairs. We have rolled in annual family retreats and Thanksgiving gatherings to help us understand the dynamics and values of each family.

Our family camps provide a necessary respite away from the cemetery environment, where families can relax and have fun together swimming at a waterpark. There are times for family strengthening through sharing, counseling, and play, as well as times of education and celebration.

Thanksgiving celebrations are a time for families to gather and celebrate. The children love to perform dance and theater for their families while they dine together.


Prevention partnerships provide a new future for vulnerable children by strengthening families and reducing the risk of trafficking. Partners giving $50 a month help provide for children’s educational needs, holistic care, and family support.

Will you provide hope and safety for vulnerable children by becoming a monthly Prevention Partner?

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